Author Archives: Alexander Kokoskeriya

Have I unknowingly hugged my grandparents for the last time?

By Anders Hsi I have two 92-year-old grandparents doing their best to socially isolate in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fortunately, they are in excellent health and still live on their own in their own house. My parents visit them about once per week. They meet on the porch, sitting at either end of the table, keeping […]

What To Do When An Employee Has COVID-19 [Scripts And Templates]

Timelines: What To Do And When If you’re here, you likely just received terrible news — an employee has a positive COVID-19 test result.  You need to know what to do to protect not just your employees and customers, but also your business and public health. The quicker you respond, the more likely the positive […]

Ultimate Guide To COVID-19 Masks (And Which Actually Work)

Countries across the globe have mandated face coverings to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.  There are lots of different types of face coverings but not all are suitable for reducing the spread of COVID-19. We’re here to share the science-based research and straight facts about which masks work. After reading this guide, you’ll […]

What PPE Is Required For Droplet Precautions?

Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, healthcare workers were the primary people in society tasked with understanding how disease spreads.  Now, it’s up to each of us to get a better understanding of infection control best practices. It is important for the general public to understand how face masks work, and why airborne precautions are needed […]

Tips for Face Masks and Glasses Wearers

Masks are the best tool we have in protecting ourselves, our community, and our loved ones from coronavirus.  But it’s not just wearing a mask; it’s wearing the right mask and wearing it consistently.  For glasses wearers, that might seem particularly challenging. When we put on a face mask, we’re more likely to take it […]

Which Health Conditions Do Face Masks Cause?

With the rapid spread of COVID-19, mask-wearing has become a worldwide necessity. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention endorses face masks in the fight against the spread of the virus, but some people worry if daily use impacts their health. Will masks give you trouble breathing, increase carbon dioxide, or be a threat for […]

Can PPE Be Reused / Washed / Shared?

When it comes to COVID-19, scientists are still determining the role that Personal Protective Equipment or “PPE” plays in fighting the virus.  The scientific consensus, including that of the CDC, suggests that wearing PPE saves lives and limits the spread of disease. In fact, one study focusing on global healthcare estimated that universal mask-wearing could save […]

PPE 101: A Guide To What You Need For COVID-19

Personal Protective Equipment (also known as PPE) is the best and cheapest first line of defense against COVID-19.  For businesses to stay healthy, open, and thrive throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, proper PPE is the single best investment until an effective vaccine is released.  PPE can be the difference between being the source of an outbreak […]

Quick PPE Guide For Small Businesses During COVID-19

Since COVID-19 spread across the globe, Personal Protective Equipment (also known as PPE) has been in high demand from medical professionals, organizations, businesses, and consumers alike.  While PPE was in short supply during the onset of the outbreak and its use was restricted to healthcare workers, it’s now essential that anyone in close contact with others wear PPE in order to stop the spread of […]

PPE Donning and Doffing

If someone you love has contracted COVID-19 and you’re caring for them at home, there’s a chance you’re wearing Personal Protective Equipment (or PPE) for the very first time.  In this article, we cover how to “don and doff” (put on and take off) PPE properly to help prevent and reduce the spread of COVID-19 […]

How Face Masks Should Fit

The best tool each of us has in the fight against COVID-19 is wearing the right mask, consistently, and correctly.  The right mask, worn the wrong way, won’t protect you or your loved ones.  In this brief article, we share how a mask should fit in order to protect you properly.  This article talks you through […]

Face Mask Vs. Face Covering

Everyone is feeling overwhelmed by the public health crisis taking over the globe.  We’re here to distill confusing health information and make it easier to take action — starting with clearing up two phrases used interchangeably: “face mask” and “face covering.” The two aren’t the same, and their protection level against contracting COVID-19 isn’t the […]

How Face Mask Filters Work

As wearing a face mask in public spaces has become compulsory in many countries worldwide, many different face mask types have become available to purchase. From respirator face masks to washable cloth masks and everything in between, there are many choices presented to buyers.  With many choices comes many questions.  In this article, we’ll tackle […]

How To Safely Carry Face Masks When Not Wearing Them

With face coverings and face masks now truly part of the new ‘normal’ way of life, questions about carrying them safely when not wearing them have begun to arise.  Most of us are still adjusting to wearing a face mask all the time, so it makes sense that we haven’t yet learned what to do […]

What Can Be Used As A Face Mask Effectively?

Scientists have made it clear that physical distancing measures alone aren’t enough to prevent coronavirus’ spread. Wearing a face mask is the best way to not only protect public health but protect your own health. But, just because something covers your face doesn’t mean it protects COVID-19. While cost might seem like the deciding factor […]